Accommodation is required for “sincerely held” religious beliefs

It may seem a bit crazy to average business owner or supervisor but employers are required by both the EEOC and DFEH to accommodate sincerely held religious beliefs which may mean that you have to allow an employee to take Halloween off if they are Wiccan or follow another non-mainstream religion.
The accommodation process doesn’t take into account employee morale so if you have an employee who requests the day off (with appropriate notice, of course), you must grant it.
Also, if you are going to allow your employees to dress up for Halloween, remind them that all of your employment policies are still in effect that day including Discrimination and Harassment Prevention. No inappropriate or disrespectful costumes should be allowed.
If you want to discuss the accommodation process, what a “sincerely held” religious belief means or how to protect your office from harassment, give me call at 760-218-6960.
— Sharon